About the artists' book
Amppasang: a typographical hominid, lives in forgotten books.
Boltepento: jewelry made from 1950s bottle openers.
Cmapsis: maps made on cabbage leaves by gremlins.
Dentidangos: dances created by dental floss.
Elkevolkeplatte: a Neolithic ceramic style found at prehistoric garage sales-depicting an elk type creature.
Forkmares: to have bad but colourful dreams about plastic forks.
Garsley: situation whereby gurning faces appear in parsley
Hisengallipede: the mythical horse belonging to HIgbar the Hindefatigable, said to be Hinvisible except to his descendants.
Illiblibs: small islands constructed of almost invisible plant forms.
Jajanska: a deity which dwells within marmalade jars.
Killiklacket: makes vile squawking noises & subsists on hens’ droppings.
Lamolendricals: the auras created by singing windmills.
Mugrouse: carpet fibres resembling the occasional flattened mouse.
Neddahinge: the ability to see bushrangers hiding in hinges. Or a hinge wherein a bushranger could dwell.
Offalidon: lifeform resembling squashed offal, and shaped like orange segments.
Plingyplingy: a spirit which lives in old electrical plugs, southern UK only.
Quiffle: a small nocturnal rodent type creature, made of quills, and almost entirely two dimensional.
Rasproofing: architectural style whereby raspberries are used for roof-tiles.
Stringlestraw: an unreasonable knot of fibres in elderly sewing baskets. Not always curable.
Tuscadont: ossified material from an ancient bovine thing.
Ullulungal: the (hootfprint) of a rare howling ungulate which lurks under derelict bridges.
Vestilitis: the need to wear badly designed vests, for which there may be no reasonable cure.
Waxsawtal: a hyena type creature found roaming archaeological sites at night.
Xaclinky: a medieval tool for cleaning up the edges of old nautical rope.
Yeranthia: the goddess of waiting calmly at bus stops during snowstorms.
Zaquarellina: the spirit of squabbling ungraciously, as seen on a ceramic shard.